Bridges at UC 2024/2025 school year!
Welcome new and returning students to the University of Cincinnati !
We're excited to meet you! Hope you can join us...​​
* Saturday, Feb 1st-Weekend Connect Dinner at host home
Join us as we go to the home of a host family for dinner, spiritual discussion, games and friendships!
Free, rides provided
Register on the website the week before.
*Saturday, Feb 8th -Social activity
​Join us for a game night on campus
Register on the website the week before.
*Friday, Feb 14th-Weekend Connect Valentines Day!
Join us for an on campus Weekend Connect at Stratford-
Games, snacks, dancing, and what is true love...
* Saturday, March 1st, Weekend Connect dinner at host home
Join us as we go to the home of a host family for
dinner, activities, an interesting discussion, and games.
Free, rides provided
Register on the website the week before.